Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Thoughts on Christians in America - and Happy Birthday Jeremy!!

This is one of my bestest friends in the world and tonight at midnight he turns 26! yikes - He is an incredibe fella.

Check out his music at www.myspace/jeremyjunkin.

On another Note:

I have thoughts on Christians in America - they are everywhere.

You can't escape them or the culture wake they leave behind - I know, I am one of them. What about the rest of the world? Are those who are here living up to the standard is calling them?

Here's the 1000000.00 $ question, what does that look like? Is it the Kingdom or do we make excuses and justifications for things that are comfortable but wrong, safe but lazy, "nice looking" but shallow? Someone tell me - because American Christianity is looking like it's becoming plastic. I want wood - Jesus chose wood. Wood is real. Give me wood America and then we might have conversations that go beyond altar calls and Sunday best....

But go and learn what this means, 'I desire compassion, and not sacrifice,' for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.- The words of Jesus -Matthew 9:13


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