Sunday, October 14, 2007

A prayer for the coming of the King

Although much of me does not want to believe in hell, I truly believe that we cannot live in this present day and age and deny its shadows. For many, their present reality is living hell. There is a promise, however, that this shadow will one day disappear and only light, hope, and peace will remain. I pray for that day to come sooner then later. Remember Felix in your prayers tonight, Christ died for him, his killer, and you.

From Associated Press
October 14, 2007 1:17 PM EDT

NEW YORK - A homeless man torched outside a church where he had bedded down for the night has died from his injuries, police said Saturday. Felix Najera suffered burns to 40 percent of his body after being set on fire while sleeping in front of Bethany Christian Church in East Harlem, police said. He died Oct. 9. Police had called the torching of the 49-year-old one of the most severe and senseless attacks on a homeless victim in recent memory. Residents said the victim was a heavy drinker who would bum cigarettes from passers-by, but otherwise was a harmless fixture on the upper Manhattan block. Najera was burned while sleeping in a cardboard box around midnight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know I found your blog! I'll come back when I have more time and read later. Thanks for meandering Portland with me today!

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