Ignorant bloggers
Every now and then I come across something that sends me back into the blogging world. Tonight as I was searching for research online, I came across a horrid statement on a blog site. I wouldn't have taken the time, noting blatant ignorance and racism which is everywhere in our country, but this time however chose to respond. The issue was a woman who spoke at the DNC convention for Obama, a woman who has been known to support Black Liberation Theology. The following was written and amazingly approved on a blog site called americanthinker.com. I will warn you that the words are offensive and in my opinion racist, and if you feel so inclined - feel free to let americanthinker.com know what you think about the comment.
My response follows 'BubbaJ's:
BubbaJ -"I too am so sick of the african-american feels they are "OWED" the Native americans are truly been robbed and treated the worst on what was truly their own soil....Ms.Daughtery or barely anybody else living today (african-american) here in America have never been a slave except to their anger and hatred..and if they are Christians what ever happened to Forgiving and moving on oh yea this black-liberation stuff is really about anger and owing but is it not true that the tribal chiefs were the ones who actually traded their "own people" (Muslim sultans did this) for tobacco.gold guns etc...The LUO tribe (Obama's descendants) captured prisoners of war and then sold them as slaves actually it was the "white" people (BRITISH) who banned selling of slaves in 1847 and finally in 1876 eleven years after CIVIL war this happened. get over it!!!!"
In response to BubbaJ - It is ignorant statements such as yours that perpetuate concepts of anger and hate. If you never acknowledge that you stand in the dominant position of privilege and judgement you will never see the reality of the full human experience. It's easy to tell someone who has been effected by an oppressive structure and situation to 'get over it' - while you stand in a place that has never felt that oppression. You might have even been apart of the oppression without being aware of it.... and by your words here I would guess you still are. Oppression comes when we dismiss others and the reality of their situations - when we don't acknowledge pain or frustration, or basic needs or rights. This is called compassion and it is what sets us apart from animals.
Liberation theology isn't about anger and owing, and if you took the time to really read -if you read up on these things- or listen to the sources of these scholars you would know that liberation theology is about understanding the pains of another human person and understanding that if there is a God, that God has liberated them from their pain and the injustices that were felt because of the oppression. Native Americans, African Americans, Latino/ Latina Americans, Black Americans, homosexuals, and the poor, - whatever the minority group - whatever is not the dominant, privileged group - whoever has felt oppression - there is liberation from it and the liberation allows us to live together as one people.
Being critical of another race, theology, people group, or political party will not give you credibility. It will only reflect the ignorance you still bear as a human. Open your mind to try to understand others who are different then you - those who have a different story. You might just learn something. Read the liberation theologians - Gutierrez is the main one.
And the next time you are in pain, when someone has hurt you or offended you - think about how quickly and easily you want to 'get over it'. When we walk in those shoes, the shoes of others, we don't find it so easy.
2 thoughts:
1. I can't believe there are still such ignorant and careless people in our world. And we wonder why our reputation in the world is bad.
2. Regardless of your political ties, let's figure this stuff out openly, honestly, and in community - or we will never get anywhere beyond destroying each other.
I welcome your thoughts....
My response follows 'BubbaJ's:
BubbaJ -"I too am so sick of the african-american feels they are "OWED" the Native americans are truly been robbed and treated the worst on what was truly their own soil....Ms.Daughtery or barely anybody else living today (african-american) here in America have never been a slave except to their anger and hatred..and if they are Christians what ever happened to Forgiving and moving on oh yea this black-liberation stuff is really about anger and owing but is it not true that the tribal chiefs were the ones who actually traded their "own people" (Muslim sultans did this) for tobacco.gold guns etc...The LUO tribe (Obama's descendants) captured prisoners of war and then sold them as slaves actually it was the "white" people (BRITISH) who banned selling of slaves in 1847 and finally in 1876 eleven years after CIVIL war this happened. get over it!!!!"
In response to BubbaJ - It is ignorant statements such as yours that perpetuate concepts of anger and hate. If you never acknowledge that you stand in the dominant position of privilege and judgement you will never see the reality of the full human experience. It's easy to tell someone who has been effected by an oppressive structure and situation to 'get over it' - while you stand in a place that has never felt that oppression. You might have even been apart of the oppression without being aware of it.... and by your words here I would guess you still are. Oppression comes when we dismiss others and the reality of their situations - when we don't acknowledge pain or frustration, or basic needs or rights. This is called compassion and it is what sets us apart from animals.
Liberation theology isn't about anger and owing, and if you took the time to really read -if you read up on these things- or listen to the sources of these scholars you would know that liberation theology is about understanding the pains of another human person and understanding that if there is a God, that God has liberated them from their pain and the injustices that were felt because of the oppression. Native Americans, African Americans, Latino/ Latina Americans, Black Americans, homosexuals, and the poor, - whatever the minority group - whatever is not the dominant, privileged group - whoever has felt oppression - there is liberation from it and the liberation allows us to live together as one people.
Being critical of another race, theology, people group, or political party will not give you credibility. It will only reflect the ignorance you still bear as a human. Open your mind to try to understand others who are different then you - those who have a different story. You might just learn something. Read the liberation theologians - Gutierrez is the main one.
And the next time you are in pain, when someone has hurt you or offended you - think about how quickly and easily you want to 'get over it'. When we walk in those shoes, the shoes of others, we don't find it so easy.
2 thoughts:
1. I can't believe there are still such ignorant and careless people in our world. And we wonder why our reputation in the world is bad.
2. Regardless of your political ties, let's figure this stuff out openly, honestly, and in community - or we will never get anywhere beyond destroying each other.
I welcome your thoughts....
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