Tuesday, January 17, 2006


there are somethings that can not happen unless we pray - maxi Dunham

Lord be with Caroline and our friends in Israel
the people who persecute your children
a mother who seeks to be repentant
a friend who still feels the newness of his new life
the friend who has a long journey ahead of him
for provision
and peace

we love you
Lord hear our prayer


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Taking down the sky

Incredible day. Nothing incredible but small great things that reassured me of "this is right for now". REASSURANCE - great word. I booked my hotel in Paris tonight - yeah!! 2 months to go...

Random thought - I was speaking with someone at the church today who talked about a man who was not a Christian. She spoke of him in reference to not serving God, but serving the devil. I thought this was interesting because I wondered if there had to be an either or - or if people either did or did not serve God period (full-stop).

I thought about how I grew up and God always knew my name, knew me, whispered in my ear. I don't think that for the 16 years of my life that I didn't know Him that I served someone other then Him and if that is true then it was myself that I served. But I think He always knew me and always knew I would know Him. It was like a shadow that followed me around - a feeling I could never shake - I was afraid until I knew what it was. He was romancing me. (All that time)

Sneaky God.

thank you.

Wally said "Taking down the sky"
Imagine we are all capable of that at some point or another -especially with Jesus

Currently listening to :The Postal Service - oh ben, if only you lived in Tampa and wanted to sing me love songs