Thursday, April 27, 2006


There is really nothing poetic in me tonight. I tired, stressed out, a bit nurotic, and a tad bit hungry. As much as I love school, why does it beat me up? It should love me back-right? I got my first "d" ever yesterday. I wish it were really a "b" - but no, definatley a "d" as in "dumb". shoot. maybe i'm not cut out to be a proffessor. Or maybe all the good proffessors got a "d" in April when they were in grad school. Duke - if you're reading this just cover your eyes. it can be our little secret....


Tuesday, April 18, 2006


It is early, but I am ready
Issac taken by hand
trusting the Father - he knows no other
I will follow you
to the altar where you come and bid my offering
You will not forsake me
You will hear my cry

You will take these rags and make them beautiful
the kinfe's edge will be hidden from my face
the ram will cry out and the offering will be made

what will be my ram
I trust you alone my God

Behute mich Gott, ich vertraue dir, du zeigst mir den Weg zum Leben. Bei dir ist Freude, Fruede Fule
Keep me, O God, for I trust in you. You show me the path of life. With you there is fullness of joy.
Taize 150

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Paul -amazing man, bad blogger

Paul has become one of my favorite people. In so many ways our lives are on the same rhythm, and to me that is fresh air. There is only one thing - he is not a consistent blogger. October was his last entry - what's that all about? And he calls himself a blogger... As he told me today, "I'm not going to blog until you do" - so check him out at

-It's good stuff...when he does write, and keep him accountable to the blogging community he has committed himself to....

Taize - My heart is with you

Take a look at the pics below....-check it out and go -

To give it all away

Easter is here- He has risen indeed.....

What does it mean to give up all that you love for the one who loves you more then you can ever know? This is the question that I have wrestled with this past week as we walked through lent into mourning into Easter dancing. What does it mean to give up that which I love so dearly - even if it honors you Lord, what does it mean? If I count it all as loss, and all of you as gain, why should it matter... Why should it especially matter tonight?

Take away what I love deeply Lord if there is no need for it in my life
otherwise bind me to it, so that in unity we may glorify you and work to usher in your kingdom on Earth....
Nothing is worth more then you - nothing
I will gladly walk away if it is your will
with empty hands