Thursday, December 14, 2006


Yeah! Done.
I love Jesus again.

(no- that isn't me. I was a very cute toddler. Still am)

Less then 24 hours.....

I feel like the last kid in the library before Christmas. Everyone has left, except the janitor and the computer lab is quite. You feel focused, yet distracted by your alone-ness. There is hope on the horizon, and once you finish you can join the rest of the world in their joy. I wonder if the janitor ever feels left out. I wonder if I will miss my place in the quite.

Do I really want to do this.
I am tired of writing, thinking, wrestling.

Tonight the thing I love is a bit like thing I hate

I hate that feeling

Monday, December 11, 2006

We would be such a nice couple...

Sufi -Share this Christmas album with someone you care for this holiday season

Sufjan Stevens - Songs for Christmas

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Boyz of 98'

I found this picture while catching up with old high school friends. It actually appears on many of these boyz' pages.
If and only If you are Maloney High School- class of 1998 - can you appreciate the sher 'awe' and 'wonderfullness' of this pciture. Yes - this is Sr. Prom and these were "those boyz" that made high school interesting. 10 year reunion should be interesting.

I do truly love this picture though - here's to you, fellas.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Best thing this week: (but so sad)

Tonight I was at my usual hiding spot to write - local bookstore.
So this is what the graffiti on my restroom stall read:

'Send all liberals to France'

-even better, this is what someone wrote in reply"

'Send all conservatives to hell - they love to talk about it!'

*Church -Need I say more?