Sunday, March 25, 2007

Taize again - like fresh air.....

At the end of April I will be joining 1000+ young adults in Monteral for a Taize meeting. The topic - "Leaving Discouragement to head into Hope". It will be an incredible time. Interested in coming? Let me know. Je su tre bien.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

On Oscar Romero

"Oscar Romero was converted by suffering:
the suffering of a friend, of the people he served, and then finally his own suffering. There are many ways to be converted, but perhaps the best way is to live among the poor, and to discover in them as Romero did, the presence of Christ."

-Samuel Ruiz Garcia, Bishop of San Cristobal, Chiapas Mexico

*From the Gallery of 20th century martyrs at Westminster Abbey-
Mother Elizabeth of Russia, Revd. Martin Luther King, Archbishop Oscar Romero and Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer

>Not sure who Oscar Romero is? Click the link at the side bar under 'people to know'.

Friday, March 16, 2007

A Story Worth Dying For....

Today Bishop Peter Storey spoke at Asbury. He was amazing. Really it was his story -true and raw, about the Gospel. I feel like I use that term a lot these days. I hope I never use it so much that others think I've watered it down. Regardless - he talked about how the church sells the Gospel and way too cheap. You know - carrots. God I hate them. God doesn't need carrots. But later Peter talked about South Africa - which although it will always his home, has a tainted past. He told us about how people are re-starting - trying life again after years of pain and oppression and division. Desmund Tutu says that there can be no future without forgiveness, and there can be no forgiveness without remembering. Powerful stuff. He talked to us about the danger of the Gospel. That we should be prepared for danger and death. That we have already died - so why should we fear. He talked about apathy and non-violent resistance - about standing boldly for something that is worth God's time. That people are the image of God - not the image of Caesar on a coin. He moved that room to make it feel like we were sitting on the threshold of something big - something very big. And that if we believed these things - that we could change the world one protest, one bold move, one strong word that tells the world, the economy, the rulers on high, the hypocritical religious figures - "NO - we can not stand for it anymore" - if we truly believed these things then we would truly believe in the Gospel. A story worth dying for.

And friends - I am crazy - absolutely insane, because I believe him - because I want to live that way - I want to see the world that way - I want to get in the game and get out of the 'break room'. I believe it and believe it is worth my life. God - it was a good word today. You can't listen to Peter Story and not want to change the world. For him, this life is worth nothing less. This wasn't some get-ready-for-Easter- Lenten sermon - it was a 'wake up' alarm. Maybe it’s my youth, my naivety, my angst, and my optimism - or maybe it’s the way God made me. That I should be stirred inside over injustice and pain - that these things roll out of my body like water overflowing a cup- standing in the shadows of the prophets wondering about their lives and if they thought they were crazy as well. Maybe I was made that way. Either way - it's who I am and the calling being etched out for my life.

It's been a shitty week - but what a beautiful word. I stayed behind to shake his hand - just to tell him thank you. He has more rooms to shake and more ears to challenge.

It's Friday - but Sunday's coming.

Currently inspired by: Derek Webb "New Law"

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The hopeful take the Kingdom by force...

God will use whoever He chooses to bring in the Kingdom. Poverty is not a burden, it's an adventure.