Saturday, June 10, 2006


Pretty new cat who lives with me is named Titus and I love her. She is the most beautiful cat on the block - hands down.

Sorry about yesterday's blog - yikes. The love of God compells us to seek resolution to the disonance the enemy creates. I will not allow the disonance to ruin this song. I will love, even through pain and frustration, but I will constantly seek life over death always!

"It's okay, you know i'll live to fight another day"

Friday, June 09, 2006


This is not a positive post - warning.
I can't even write it....nevermind
angry chick lyrics - here we go...

"i'm not ready to make nice.
i'm not ready to back down.
i'm still mad as hell and
i don't have time to go round
and round and round"
dixie chicks

"I'm a mess already so why *u*k with the broken glass when you have no intention of helping it become
what it once was? Do us both a favor and mess with the girl you met at the party last night - I've spent the
last 2 years getting the drama out of my life and i'm not signing up for any more."
Girl Interupted

"It's your fault for running with diamonds in your hands, I offer no sympathy for that. Better off I sparkle on my own. Someday love will find me in the rough, Someday love will finally be enough."

Sunday, June 04, 2006

"I Have to Believe"

This song by Rita Springer is my current anthem. Find it on itunes-here are the lyrics....

I have to believe that He sees my darkness;
I have to believe He knows my pain.
I have to lift up my hands to worship, worship His name!

I have to declare that He is my refuge;
I have to deny that I am alone.
I have to lift up my eyes to the mountains -- that's where my help comes from!

He said that He's forever faithful,
He said that He's forever true.
He said that He can move mountains!
If He can move mountains, He can move my mountain -- He can move your mountain, too!!

If you are feeling a little hopeless, these are real promises to grasp! I love the words to this song. I know that whateverwe go through -He is faithful to love, care, and guide through any storm. God is the only one to get us through the doubts that are not but there by God - but by the one who desires to decieve. God stands on His words and will be faithful to His promises. He will be faithful and true- He will move whatever mountains need to be moved in order to get us where He wants us - joyfully seated in HIs loving embrace. Jesus Saves

Brooklyn Summer Experience Trip - summer trip #1 for mission with my students went incredibly. If you want to check out what we did check out Metro Ministries - Brooklyn Bootcamp at

This is an incredible ministry that outreaches to the children of the NYC Boroughs - some of the toughest and dangerous streets in America. We were blessed by our time with this incredible ministry. Please be apart of it if the Lord allows the opportunity. Or just pray for Him to make the way for you to be apart of it :)

God is good all the time